Clark is starting to remember things, which makes me *so* curious as to how you are going to handle this. I have so many questions.

How will Lois respond to the proposal? Is it better to say 'yes' and continue with their relationship as if the past hadn't happened, or do you hold off because you know that 'before-amnesia-Clark' isn't/wasn't ready? Will Clark continue forward from where he is now, or will the return his memory bring him crashing back to where he was before? or somewhere in-between? Will she tell him everything, or will he remember? Will they marry before Clark remembers or after? Will he be grateful that she was circumvent with him and recognize her motives? Will he be angry that she allowed him do things with her that he (supposedly) had no right to do, or will he now realize how baseless his concerns were and see that he deserves a life on earth? Aaaah! No spoilers, please, just POST MORE SOON!!! laugh

Loving this story....

"Hold on, my friends, to the Constitution and to the Republic for which it stands. Miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years, may not happen again. Hold on to the Constitution" - Daniel Webster