So, does Clark know that she knows. He's keeps revealing himself in front of her?
The thing is, even when Lois didn't know in canon, Clark would do these little reveals ALL the time (except for the metro car thing...) I won't tell you if he knows. Clark is just being Clark--only Lois is aware of what is actually going on this time! wink
So, are they going to end up in India?
No. That was only a little bit of trivia I found on wikipedia laugh

At the rate things are happening with Lane and Kent I look forward to Clark in the bullpen of the Daily Planet. Cat hits on him and he declines holding up his left hand and tapping his wedding ring. Cat purrs that his wife would never need to know, and Clark replies "Too late she'd standing behind you"
clap rotflol

Was Lois' passport in her purse?
I did mention in the fic that her passport was left at the hotel.

Thank you all for the gushingly kind reviews of my fic! blush I hope you like the next part, which is near and dear to my heart since it's about opera. smile

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink