Regarding the 'hard science' I have a history - I worked in Organic and Analytical Chemistry for 30 years. There is a LOT of technology involved in those fields. After that I got into Computer Network Administration and IT Education.

My interest in time travel/time paradoxes goes back to my teen years with a story by Robert A. Heinlein titled “By His Bootstraps”. I don’t know if you would even be able to find it in print now, I have tried and failed, but, it remains burned into my memory like I read it yesterday. If anyone would be interested in a short write up of that story send me a note at Aside from being a L&C fan my 4 all time favorite movies have to be “Ground Hog Day” and the “Back to the Future” trilogy. There are a couple of ‘runners up’ and those would be “Butterfly Effect I & II”. I am also a TREKKER.

As you can see in my notes at the end of this story, I do have plans for additional stories. Since this one has established the ground work it will require only slight modifications to the others I have in the pipeline to have them fall in line, however the series I have in mind will deal primarily with universe - Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 and its offshoots (wink, wink). I have tentatively titled the series “The Matchmaker Chronicles”

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The next one, however, will not be a sequel. I recently started listening to a musical group from Canada. Very few of their songs are vocal. I really like the one here:
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I have retitled MoU to be "Matchmaker Chronicles Vol 1 Lois Lane - Mother of Utopia.
Matchmaker Chronicles Vol 2 - Borrowed Time is in the works and should be posted this month.
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Actually, it is coming together faster than I had expected and hope to post it next month.

You may get some idea as to the mood from listening to the song, but, rest assured I prefer WAFFY stories so all will come out fine in the end.

Herb replied, “My boy, I never say … impossible.” "Lois and Clarks"

My stories can be found here
