I think we are all insatiable when it comes to this fic laugh

Ok, now back to FDK.

Neville Moyne dropped.

A few seconds later, he died in a creeping pool of his own blood on the floor of the sheriff's office in Smallville, Kansas.
I so did not expect that! Seems like another version of the bus with Trask. But I am glad that you killed him off! I just didn't expect it to happen so soon.

*He* could overlook it - but she couldn't.

She was evil.

On the inside.

A killer.
Why do I get the feeling that Lois will try to pull away from Clark now, just after Clark stopped pulling away from Lois and started believing that they can and should be together? I am sure, though, that her defences will last long, especially not with Clark grinning and smiling. And he will make her see reason - that, just because she had that rage took over twice does not make her a killer, particularly when taken in context with her life (and dignity) being threatened.

Also did not expect Scardino - hoped he stopped by the jail first and has good news to deliver to the farmhouse. His reaction in the preview was spot on for what I would've expected it to be - one does not tend to think of an alien as human looking, and even more not so considering how Clark has been treated.

More, please hyper
