Joan said:
I love that you were able to incorporate Dr. Klein and sunlight rejuvinating Superman into this.
Yeah, I love Bernie. It’s hard to believe that he never appeared until S3. He seems like such a key part of the LnC universe.

Hi Laura:
Can't wait for him to wake up!
Would it be totally evil to leave him unconscious the rest of the story…

As for Bobby, well, he has a life other than Lois feeding him.

Oh, so Lois felt Clark's pain when he had his Kryptonite-infested tissue removed? But because she could see that her own body was unharmed in spite of the pain she had suffered, she somehow knew that Clark's body would be all right, too. Because Lois and Clark "are one flesh", so to speak. That's absolutely lovely!
What can I say? I know some people don’t care for the soulmate stuff but I’ve always had a weakness for that.

Sammy is one of my characters. Some time ago I started thinking that Bobby Bigmouth made too many appearances. Lois would have more than one snitch. Don’t get me wrong, I like Bobby. He just needs a break sometimes.

Thank you. I guess the challenge will be bringing all those threads together in only 2 chapters.

Looking forward to when Clark wakes up!
Not too long. smile

Is Zimmermann going to have an unfortunate accident in the near future? Or is he possibly going to leave a note lying next to his dangling feet and kicked over chair about how sorry he is that he riled up the city until they went guns blazing after Superman?

And how are you going to clean up the Daily Planet mess?

So many questions. Only two more parts
Um… Yes…

Thank you.
Love the interaction between Bernie and Lois. Good to have Dr K in this story!
I kept fighting the temptation to have Bernie appear more quickly. He came in late, but he came in big. smile

Thanks everyone.
