Thanks for the feedback!

Lois is really overreacting to Clark's lie.
The thing I've been trying to get at is that it's not Clark she doesn't trust -- it's herself. She feels guilt over the things she has done -- so she's projecting her own guilt on Clark. He's made her feel safe, yet she's afraid of that safety because she doesn't think she deserves it, so she's pushing him away at the first opportunity and throwing herself at Luthor.

Lucy-heavy chapter stumped me
LOL I can't blame you -- she just kept nosing into the story. I'm not really a Lucy fan either, but I needed someone from Lois' family who she would be close enough to to want to reconnect with -- so it was Lucy. Thanks for sticking with me anyways! smile

But I thought it was hopeful that she really confronted Clark about his lie.
Yeah, I had to have her call him on it -- because he really hasn't lied to her much up to this point. This was the first in-your-face lie (besides how he got her back to the States). In the show, their relationship practically began at the lie -- here, I've given them some time together where Superman hasn't really gotten in the way. And Clark is basically an honest person --except, of course, for his secret -- so I thought it would definitely stick out like a sore thumb when he actually *did* lie.

I'm wondering if Luther is associated with The Boss.

Nice of Clark to offer his parents' place to Wayne.
I thought so too. laugh

Darth Michael
Building the danger suspense and then only using it to give us relationship angst was quite inspired
Thank you blush

Can't wait to see where you take this!
Stay tuned... next chapter will be up shortly!

Thanks so much guys!! Hope you enjoy the rest of the ride! smile

Reach for the moon, for even if you fail, you'll still land among the stars... and who knows? Maybe you'll meet Superman along the way. wink