First, I wanna say what a terrific story this is! What an interesting twist on the world of LnC! I've been hooked since part one!

My favs from this part:

They would climb in the car and go home and Laurie would cook dinner and Abby would draw a picture of her day at the zoo, and then they’d read Red Riding Hood and Laurie would tuck Abby in bed and sing her songs, and then turn on a nightlight so it wouldn’t be too dark and give her daughter nightmares. Her fridge would be covered in macaroni noodles and the walls with finger painted pictures. She’d carry photos in her wallet and she could look forward to sticky hugs and sloppy kisses. Who knew? She might even buy a pony for Abby. Lord knew she had enough land to. Shopping at the store would be yelling battle over chocolate bars and bananas and Laurie’d have to deal with temper tantrums and fights.

It sounded wonderful.

It sounded like a family. A wonderful family, the type she’d always wanted. One full of love and compromises, fights - but resolutions.
---Yay! clap Lois--ahem--I mean Laurie is finally happy!! I cant wait to see how Abby's adoption turns out!

Clark spun about. “Huh? Oh, um, here,” he shoved the article at Perry. “I looked her up online. A solid portfolio, nothing spectacular. Solid writer, at least. ”

Perry mused over the article. “It’s well written. Decent editor.” Trust Perry to notice details like that. “Kyle!” The boy appeared. “Tell research to look up Barrows, Elizabeth. Want everything I can get on her.” Kyle nodded and disappeared. “Find anything else?”
--- Clark's finally looking for a new partner... notworthy