Evelyn I'm glad all the developments aren't off-putting and confusing. I like the longer parts - it feels like the story is moving forward.

And your later post ... Jonas and fire - a lot of people seem to want them to go together. huh

True Love The operation was simple once he was vulnerable.

Scardino ... all I'm saying is that we haven't seen the last of him.

Laura The 'I love yous' - I liked the thought of them saying it through glass with Clark dangling. This hasn't really been a 'normal' romance by any stretch, so I figured it was OK to do some things differently.

Joy I see Lois as having dozens of half-formed ideas in her head at all times. As the situation changes, she takes the most likely idea/s and develops them accordingly.


And this is why we have endless fodder for fanfic. Two soulmates finding each other, over and over. *sigh*
So true. smile


No we/she hadn't seen Clark float that high before.

I can't imagine being left at this point for a whole week!
That's precisely why I finished the story before the long break laugh

Elizabeth Some of your speculation has been answered, some of it hasn't, but you're spot on. And some is going to take some time.

DW I enjoyed writing Sam as a nicer character than the distant father.


not shy about making major changes in cannon
I see canon as a lolly shop/candy store - it's all good, but you don't need all of it at once!

For me, Clark needs to be a man of integrity, Lois needs to be determined and capable, and there needs to be an undeniable attraction between them. Everything else is fair game.

However, I'm really grateful to all the FoLCs who so willingly accept my changes to canon.


Exactly. smile

And you're right about the metal clips/wire, too, Michael. wink

Many thanks to everyone for responding.
