Hi all,

First, a general comment: My thanks to all who have taken the time to leave feedback. I am finding it fascinating to see the different directions people are thinking the story might go. Since this is one of the few multi-part stories I have posted, this is a fairly new experience for me. Some of the speculation is closer to what I have written than others, but I think any one of the paths mentioned could make for an interesting story.

Now on to the specific FDK FDK:

Patrick, I like your idea. No comments on whether such a scene will be in the story.

Sue, I am such an admirer of your work that I am especially pleased and honoured that you are enjoying my story. smile

Bellarase, I don't think I am giving too much away by saying that the truth will out eventually, and Clark isn't looking forward to it happening!

Evelyn, what you suggest would have made a better cover story for Clark; but -- as Jenni pointed out -- had he used it on the show, this story would never have been written. But since Clark claimed that Superman followed Hamilton's procedures, I'm not sure how that would have worked. Hamilton presumably didn't just grow specific organs, since he had been working with decades-old corpses. I am assuming that he would have to have just harvested some cells from the bodies and then have grown entire clones.

Jenni, I know you were one of the first members to join the MB and have read a *lot* of the fanfic here. I am delighted that you indicated my take was original. I haven't read anything like it, but there is just so much TOGoM-related fiction out there, much of which I have yet to read, that I had figured someone would have done something like it before.

Jen, nice to see that I wasn't the only one who felt that the show left a major loose end here.

Joan, thanks for coming aboard for the ride. smile

MozartMaid, I think that at least some of your questions will be answered in part two, which I hope to post shortly.
