Can there be redemption for Lois? Redemption is always possible if someone truly wants to atone for what they did. However, in many ways it would be better to choose death that to kill others as Lois has, if you believe as I do that death is not the end, not the worst fate one can face.

But there is no way that this will not haunt her the rest of her life; you have given her hell for the rest of her days over this, no matter what comfort Clark or others try to give her. wallbash

I also don't understand her belief that they would go after her family even after they killed her; doesn't make sense that she should buy that, but I guess they used her terror well, somewhat like brain-washing, and convinced her that she didn't have a choice. confused

Whatever you have in mind, I cannot see it other than very bitter-bitter-sweet; but wait to see what you do with this.
