Woops, you posted while I was posting. I'll put mine in here and delete my other.

Lara!! Long time no see!!

This was very sweet... but now you've got me wondering so many things! How come no one comes to see Lois anymore? How did she know Clark was SM? Have they been fighting and this was them making up? Anyway, like you said - we should make of this what we will - so here's what I think.

Lois found out about Clark and was royally pissed and was having a hard time forgiving him. Things had been very tense at work between them and Lois has been keeping her distance, including keeping her window shut. Clark has been looking for any sign that Lois is ready to forgive him.

It's Christmas time, the 1st snow of the season and Lois is really missing Clark and feeling pretty lonely. Clark is doing his nightly fly-by of Lois' apartment, notices the open window and takes a leap of faith.

His voice is a relief to her somehow even though she's heard it numerous times at work in the past few weeks. This greeting is different, like every problem they've had, every fight, everything, it's just all right again. All is forgiven.

Happy sigh. Merry Christmas everyone.

A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always
depend on the support of Paul.

-George Bernard Shaw