
Yeah, you know better than to leave us for days on end with this cliffy!
But, as others have said, it could have been worse!!


Please remember, unless you’re hiding right behind the wall, spears on a ballistic trajectory can still reach you.
laugh They can? Oooops!

And isn’t it quite stalkery-creey to keep a Lois shrine in his pants pocket
Not when he has nowhere else to put them. laugh

Evelyn I'm glad you liked the parts coming quickly. I've nearly finished 15, so my buffer is slowly recovering!

noorie Hi. Thanks for letting me know you're reading and enjoying.

Jen So it was you who started with the cows!! LOL!

Bellarase I hope that where things go from here continues to be interesting reading.

Jenn Nice pic! Poor cow!

LadyMoira Yes, he speaks - now that he has someone nice to speak to.

DW The new plane ... you wouldn't think they'd need that now that they're talking.


As frustrating as it was that Longbolt arrived when he did, it was nice to give Lois that extra time to really mull things over and decide on her course of action and feel good about her decision.
Longford's arrival wasn't just about putting off Lois going into the cell - I also wanted her to be ready so that it is plausible that she didn't freak out over things like catching bullets in his hand.


But Lois's doubts,
I found it hard to justify her going into the cell - it must go against just about everything she's been taught. But then Lois Lane is a little reckless, so it worked OK.


I'm wondering about the little bit of conversation there about the video. What is that supposed to mean?
The video? I'm assuming you mean when Lois told Longford about the camera. She thinks he is unlikely to do anything bad to Clark, but telling him about the camera is just a bit of added insurance.

Hope that makes more sense.

Many, many thanks to everyone for your amazing comments. Christmas preparations are cutting into my writing time a bit, but I am making some progress. The end of 'Bridge' is in sight. At this stage, story 3 will be called 'Road'.
