Woohoo! I swear I just happened to be passing through when I noticed part 6 was posted. I was *not* stalking the boards incessantly. blush

Who knew Bobby Bigmouth could be the voice of reason? Glad Clark listened to him and sit tight for a bit at least.

And now comes the part in which writers such as yourself make me feel extremely wishy-washy... After part 5 I could not fathom how Clark could get as close to Lois as both Clark and Superman and not reveal Lois his secret. Yet after reading his POV, I'm sitting here, "oh ok, I guess that makes sense that he'd feel that way. It is a pretty big secret and he has kept it his entire life. I guess I'll cut Clark some slack." laugh Really enjoyed being in Clark's head and even somehow his voyeuristic tendencies seem an act of love rather than a violation.

Clark's entire body went cold at the name of Herman Twitchell's employer. It was impossible that was merely a coincidence.
Yay, a lead! Go get'em Supes. Hell hath no fury like a Superman crossed!

Can't wait for the next part (yeah I know we just got this one, but what can I say, I'm insatiable).