First, thanks for nagging. It's good to know that people remember my story. I'm sorry to take so long between parts.

The Christmas season is a good part of the reason but not all. My son (the one in the Navy) came home for a 2 week visit shortly after Thanksgiving, and the day he left (Sunday) I came down with a nasty bug involving mostly a high fever and dry cough, which I finally got over yesterday.

I have about a page and a half done, so don't despair, but it's going to be a little hard to fit in a lot of writing at one time. I am now trying to catch up on decorating, getting Christmas cards out and mostly prepping for a visit from the VA who informed me 2 weeks ago that they would be by right after Christmas to check out my brother's living environment, to make sure I am taking care of him properly. (Have I mentioned I hate government authorities poking around in my life?)

However, I haven't given up on the story or anything. I have just had a lot to deal with at once. Once the Christmas holidays are past, I hope things will slow down considerably. If I can get something written in the meantime it will be nice, but don't count heavily on it.


Earth is the insane asylum for the universe.