Thanks for all the kind words, fellow FOLCs.

Glad you liked the giggles, Laura. I think it was time for these two to have some.

Dentists today can give people dental implants, Ann, but we can't regrow actual teeth. That's something I do wish we had. And I'm glad you liked Bruce and Selina. We'll see just how much the Amazons actually change.

Glad you liked the giggles and the cavities, Deja Vu. Not being any kind of HP fan, it took me a moment to connect to what you were referencing. But I got it. There's just one chapter left, but there is also an epilogue coming. Maybe that will ease the withdrawal symptoms.

Diana's going to receive her just desserts, Frame. We'll see how that goes.

Thanks for the comments, BJ. This Diana (as several have pointed out) is far different from the comic book version. But then, our Lois and Clark are quite different from their comic persona, too. And yeah, Superman kind of overwhelmed the Amazons, which was what he needed to do to get them to put on the brakes. Meeting Superman for the first time when he's major ticked off at you is something that I would imagine would have a lifelong impact.

Next (and final) chapter up soon!

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing