A/N: I recently rediscovered “Lois and Clark – The New Adventures of Superman” via Netflix with my daughter.
Hey, me too! Just finished S2 last night. (Who's asking Clark or Superman? -- Heee!)

Yet Clark still didn’t look like himself.

He was wearing the same dark suit he’d donned the day of their latest caper. Yet it was badly wrinkled. The jacket had been tossed over the back of the chair with the edges of his brightly patterned tie sticking out of a pocket. His shirt collar was undone with the sleeves rolled back. A faint hint of beard framed his jawline.
Is it wrong that in the midst of all this angst, I'm fairly drooling at the picture you've painted. V. sexy indeed.

“Between you and me, you got your own Superman right here.” She nodded towards Clark. “This one’s a keeper. That man hasn’t left your side in days. Since you arrived.”
Awh. I love the way you show Clark's vulnerability here. He's really been shaken to the core, and this one lapse let's Lois see enough to start putting things together.

She nestled closer to him, feeling the uncharacteristic need to take care of him.
Another "awwwwhh" moment. Love this reaction.

Great first effort, hope to see more from you!