oh God ... I have so much to say, so little time and so little English!! I hope the google translator does not fail me ... help

Every sentence, every scene that takes place in my mind as I read the story, I am filled with sorrow, pain and a terrible desire to enter that cell, open the door and hug Clark, clean their wounds and bathe his body ... although this last idea to bring blush to my cheeks ... blush

What's in the past of Lois? why the need to stay in Metropolis? Glad Lois, despite their tumultuous past experience remains good and is in humanity that Clark tried to seize the last seven years

About the alleged double murder, I think the real culprit was Mogne and / or Trask and incriminated the poor and helpless CK ...

I keep reading ... thumbsup

Clark: "So what are you saying? I should go crawling back on my hands and knees?"
Martha: "No, honey. Fly back. It's faster!!"