Thanks all for your feedback!

MozartMaid, ya got me! I had actually been thinking that Jimmy would have become "James" by this point in his life, and "P.J." does indeed stand for "Perry James".

Mary and DW, glad you liked it. I had fun writing it. I enjoy 'cute'. And I'm a sucker for the oral mode of storytelling. It's no coincidence that this is the second bedtime story I've posted here. I am saddened that the oral tradition of storytelling has pretty much been reduced to bedtime stories in the U.S.. (Well, there are campfire stories, too. But most of us hear and tell bedtime stories far more often than campfire ones.)

Carol, thanks for coming up with this challenge. I'm glad you think that my story does fit what you had in mind -- Mxyzptlk and all. (You know you're an L&C fan -- or at least a Superman fan -- when you can spell the imp's name correctly without having to look it up! wink )

Corrina, glad you liked it. smile re: Clark's multitasking... Um, no comment, at least not here.
