Well, well, well... I seem to have given the impression that I'm violent with this little bit of insanity (hopefully my next bit of insanity proved that I was just a sweet lunatic laugh ).

/me hides from Kaethel!!
I already learned my lesson. Better be nice to Kaethel.
Memo to self ... stay on Kae's good side.
Remind me never to meet you in a dark alley if you're in possession of an axe!
Sure thing! "Remember never to meet me in a dark alley when I'm in possession of an axe!" eek Which is a risk that frequently occurs. goofy

So, is revenge sweet?
Oooooh yes. laugh

/me does wonder how Tank's is going to write in his new state without a head... Just make sure you'll keep on writing, Tank!
Hey, didn't you notice that I made sure I didn't chop his hands off? He has no excuse not to write!

Of course, the biggest fan of Tank's Evilness disagrees with his fate:

Kae!!! How could you? That poor sweet man!
El!!! Think of the brightly orange broomstick!

And from our newly headless member himself:

Tank (who hopes that this little exercise was cathartic for Kae, and she's able to return to her normal sweet self... she is normally sweet - isn't she?)
LOL!! rotflol Somehow you seem to have a small doubt about my being sweet. wink

Thank you all for your kind words about this crazy story, Wendy, Saskia, Nqoire, José, El, Julia, Anna, Kathy, Annette, Tank and Tricia. smile

Kaethel smile

- I'm your partner. I'm your friend.
- Is that what we are?
- Oh, you know what? I don't know what we are. We kiss and then we never talk about it. We nearly die frozen in each other's arms, but we never talk about it, so no, I got no clue what we are.

~ Rick Castle and Kate Beckett ~ Knockout ~