I might be a rare breed of reader where I really don't mind angst at all. You got me hooked right away, and your characterization of Trask is excellent. He's a villain I've debated about using as a villain for me, but I've decided to go another route for one I am currently working on, which will involve angst as well.

So know that you will me as a follower for angst, and it doesn't bother me. It makes the moments of triumph all the more greater, and when you have a great hero, it's because you have a great villain.

I am one where, if I ask a question, and you know the answer will be revealed in the story, I don't mind you suspending me with curiosity by saying "just you wait!" wink

Like mozartmaid, I joined here a bit late to read the Aussie Rules, though I did glance at it here and there. You've got me hooked with this story! Bring on the core stuff of what Clark is made of!

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. -- Albert Einstein