I tried to post a response this morning before going to work, but the phone lines burpted and threw me off line, losing my post before I could send it. I didn't have time to rewrite it so I'm coming back know.

Let it be known that my original intention had been what everyone expected. An epilogue titled "Lucy's Revenge" but I held back. Given that Wendy was such a gracious trooper when I threw the story back at her, I decided that it would only be fair to let her win this one. So, being a darn nice guy, I left Lois with her long hair. And no matter what Lucy said, at the end of the story Lois still has her long locks. What can I say? I'm just a darn nice guy (where have I heard that before?)

BUT... we still had to deal with Lucy's final exam cut. I mean we all knew that Ellen Lane would never go through with something like that no matter how much she might pretend to support her daughters. That left Lucy without a model for her final. Who better to step in and help Lucy out than a gal who most wanted to save Lois' hair? Kae, has always been a staunch supporter of a longer haired Lois. So, if Lois was to keep her own lengthy locks, someone had to lose theirs.

I'm sure all the long-haired Lois fans will be grateful to Kaethel for her own minor sacrifice, which allowed Lois to escape a similar fate.

So gentle readers, let's hear it for Kaethel. I guess she's just a darn nice gal.

Tank (who can't believe that anyone would be against letting Lois help out her baby sister)