If I were Clark and always looking for the silver lining, I'd say that the best part of being too busy to read this story for a few days is having more than one chapter to read when I finally resurface.

“Not that she ever even knew she was in danger,” Lois said. “Is it just me, or does anyone else wish she could have at least been scared witless?”
Ooo! Me! Pick me!

He sank down onto the side of the bed, stared at the frozen panel on the now dead machine and felt... almost relieved.
The plot thickens! Or at least gets more romantic. And I know how he feels. On one hand, I'm worried about all the damage he's doing to the timeline. On the other, yay, more Charlie and Lois! thumbsup

So then he’d taken a flight out to Hill Valley, California, to talk to a Dr. Emmett Brown.
You know, when I first read this scene, I though, "oh, how cute, ML threw in a little Back to the Future reference for kicks". Then I thought, "Hey, wait a minute ... this wasn't just for kicks ... she might be trying to tell us something here!!" And if my theory is right, that something is that, just like in BttF, changing the past can change the future without everything going kerflooey. Maybe. If we're very lucky. *fingers crossed*

“No. Just thinking about how slowly this investigation seems to be going.”

“Sometimes investigations are like that. Don’t worry. Something is bound to break soon. Maybe even right now.” On the last words, he opened the door to the building, allowing Lois to step through before him.
I wonder when Lois is going to clue in that Clark is a reporter. She's distracted right now, but if he keeps saying things like this, she's gonna have to put two and two together that it's not a coincidence that he's *so* good at this investigative stuff.

“Sorry, Lane. This is my call. And I say no. I’m not going to start a panic on campus without solid proof.”
Uh oh ...

So the question becomes, is Lois going to just get in deeper to get that proof? Does a bear ... well, you know. wink

Yay for another part to read right away! Off to 3d. smile
