And in that moment, Seb Wilton fell in love.
That's not *love*. That's a blonde in your shop and hormones laugh wink

Seb smiled at Chris and extended his hand to shake hers. His eyes seemed glued to her, and he had a dumbstruck look plastered across his face.

Lois felt laughter bubble inside her as she glimpsed the possible. What if? Seb and Chris? That would be wonderful. Lois's eyes swung from one to the other. Chris was smiling, but she seemed a bit self-conscious; Seb looked like his world had just turned upside down and he had no desire to right it - ever.

Lois reached into the box and took out the biggest piece. It was roughly shaped and slightly smaller than a golf ball. Holding it up against the light, she slowly rotated it and marvelled at the purity of its colour.
Despite it all, I kept wondering. But a quick google-search confirms my resolve. No Kryptonite in sight.

Their season was over.

Lois slumped onto her seat as disappointment coursed through her body. They had come so close, they had fought so hard, they had challenged the odds and almost ... *almost* achieved a most remarkable victory.
dizzy Okay, make that really cheap slut. laugh

Her disquiet turned to alarm when she saw the tip of the green rock peeking out from between her breasts.

The top strip of elastic had worked itself loose. She carefully placed the rock on top of the toilet roll holder and searched through her bag for an appropriate implement to make some running repairs.
Is it going fall into the bowl? Please? And then Mayson can decide between diving after it and flushing. But from the preview, I'm guessing, no. mecry

Perry White slammed down the phone with such force the pencil on his desk jumped.
At first, I just figured he would want to warn Superman that Mayson will be there. But what's really going on?

Fear gripped his heart.

Lois had gone.
eek And I jinxed it with the clone-remarks when Clark assured her he would not let her out of his sight. Oh boy. Oh boy. Oh boy? When's the next part? Please?

You *will* get the wedding in 47!
No consolation. There's been wedding between Clark and Clois. wildguy


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