"I love you, Clark."

"I love you, L -"

"Hey, Rubber," Gazza called. "Haven't you finished saying 'goodnight' yet? Struth, mate, you're taking even longer than Narelle and I used to."
laugh laugh laugh

Gazza whistled. "I hope you like flying."

"I do."
wink wink wink

Clark's smile broadened. He opened the other message.

'Info on the Boss. Cent Park noon. Bring food.'
Gee, could it be... Bobby Bigmouth?

She'd finally have absolute proof of the power of the green rock over Superman, she'd cause disruption to his wedding, she'd inflict major humiliation on Linda King, and, in the process, she'd disentangle herself from Luthor.

Brilliant. Absolutely brilliant.
dum dum dum.... ominous drum music...