Which is worse, brief feedback or none at all?

I did want to tell you that I've enjoyed reading your story so far, ML. I tried not to torture myself by reading it in parts, I told myself to just read the whole thing at once when it hit the archive, but I'm weak. You are the siren song and I am helpless to resist. laugh

Clark's desolation was completely in character and it tugged on my heart. I love Alt-Clark and love to see him get happy endings. You are going to give him a happy ending, aren't you?

I thought that Lois might get off the plane before reaching her destination and wondered if it was because somehow, she started to believe Clark's warning. I love how you tied in her 9-year old experience meeting her guardian angel to her doubts and fears on the plane.

I have no idea what you're going to do to Lois and how she will react when she meets Clark as a 20-year old. Ha! She thought Paul was the love of her life when she first saw him. What will she think when her guardian angel shows up at the party?

More please?