Lois’s blowup was very interesting. In my view she’s both right and wrong. (But due to the circumstances, more wrong than right.)

She’s right in that she’s the one who seems to be having to give up everything. While that seems unfair, the nature of their relationship is that if they are going to be together one of them will have to do this.

Now, I think Lois is wrong in that based on what I remember she never gave Clark the chance to be the one to give up his life in Metropolis. From the first moment, she stepped forward and insisted that she would be the one to come to him. Because of that, her current position is very unfair to Clark. If they had discussed it and Clark had insisted that she be the one to make the sacrifice, then her position would be reasonable. Again, as I remember it, Lois never let that conversation happen.

I think this explosion is pure stress on Lois’s part and once she calms down I think she might regret her words. They can sit down and discuss this and, if Lois is really so committed to Australia, then Clark has to make a decision. But for now, Lois owes Clark a HUGE apology. She ambushed him without cause.
