First off, i'm enjoying the story very much. Sorry i haven't commented before. For some reason i didn't start reading the story till a couple of weeks ago and i've been playing catch up. I plan to visit some of the links posted after the stories this weekend when i have more time. The descriptions of the places make them sound lovely. And the tidbits of Austrailian language and culture are fascinating.
The international science fiction convention Worl dcon will be in Australia later this year. Aussiecon 4. I wish i could attend even more after reading this story. I'm not too crazy about the Superman/Ultrawoman wedding idea but maybe it will grow on me. It does seem strange to me that Lois would offer her resignation to her boss to work against the merger. For one thing, what would she live on? Does she have inherited money that hasn't been mentioned in the fic or something? Anyway i will be looking forward to additonal chapters.