Thanks to all who have left feedback. smile1

Windfall, I see you haven't posted very often. I am doubly honoured, therefore, that you decided to leave me feedback.

Marcus, glad you liked it.

DW, I'm glad the ending was a surprise. It was fun coming up with misleading but context-appropriate thoughts and dialogue for Lois.

Evelyn, smile

Bob, Ouch! That must have been a pretty traumatic experience for a teenage boy. My own thoughts are that Clark was touching up some grey hair. I almost wrote "prematurely grey," but we really don't know at what range of ages Kryptonians' hair changes colour. Of course, if you would rather think of him as a natural blond or red-head, be my guest! (Somehow, I find it hard to picture Clark, much less Superman, with a different hair colour.)

Laura, silly is my specialty. goofy There's enough serious stuff to be dealt with in RL; so when I indulge in fiction writing, I like to keep things light. (As I'm sure you've noticed by now.)

Thanks again to all.
