Thanks to all the gentle readers who partook in this little vignette.

I've long been one of those who don't think that a Kryptonian and a Terran can have children together. They are after all, of different species. Coupled with that fact that I don't particularly like children, I've stayed away from Lois pregnancy and Lois and Clark and kids stories. I think I've only had Lois pregnant in maybe two stories in the past.

Given the 'FACT' that they can't have children, how could Utopia come about?

I've always contended that the descendants that supposedly founded Utopia were idealogical descendants and not actual family. Perhaps there was a group, cult, or quasi-religious organization that called themselves 'The Children of Superman'. They could be the ones who were responsible.

Also, one has to wonder what a 'perfect' society this Utopia actually was when you consider that we're getting our information from a man from a very prim and uptight Victorian England. I tend to side with Tempus and think that this so-called Utopia was probably a crashing bore of a place to live.

The idea to 'team' Wells and Tempus together at the end came as a means to give the somber tone of the story a bit of a lighter ending.

Thanks to all who read, and commented.

Tank (who occasionally feels the need to throw out stuff just to remind the gentle readers that he's still alive)