Rac, you continue to earn your nick - you are definitely a master story-teller. Lois and Clark's agonizing journey continues. Although it might seem like a step backward, I still think they're both headed in the right direction. Clark may not have done everything right, but I think they're both overlooking how well Clark dealt with the situation. No flashbacks to New Krypton, no blackouts or paralyzing fear during the crisis. That's progress!

So, are they going to grow apart, slowly and over time?
Lois thinks so, but although I think that Lois is correct in assuming that something is going on with Clark, his mid-night thoughts seem to be leading him back to Lois, not away.

Great part. I really loved how Clark realized how traumatized Lois was by his time away. She had to be so strong and although the Kents and Dr. Friskin helped her, she didn't have someone like Clark to hold her when she needed to break down. I hope Clark steps up again and that Lois lets him.
