Thank you all for the comments! I'm so glad this wasn't a royal failure. smile1

Thanks, Laura! Actually the original piece was written for Lara Moon.

countrygurl - Thanks! Yes, that is one area I didn't explore - how all of this made Clark feel. I did touch on how Bruce felt, but that was mainly in relation to Martha, which I would expect would be the bigger deal for him. I'm sure Clark has some mixed feelings - finding out his mother had another life he never knew about may make him a little sad, but he's Clark - so I imagine he'd get over that and deal with finding out his friend is really his brother.

Thanks, Elisabeth!

Thanks, Lynn! I was worried about that - a lot. I found it difficult enough to do a story from Martha's POV, but Jonathan seemed really hard. Probably why the first version was so awful. Glad to hear I managed to do it in the end.

Thanks, James! I'm not sure if this is clear or not, but we only see part of what happens when they find Clark. They continue to argue about it after the end of what I wrote. So, Jonathan didn't go along with it quite as easily as it may have seemed.

Thanks again for all the comments!