"Just one thing," Henderson said. "How did you and Superman happen to arrive so conveniently?"

"We followed you," Lois said, looking past Henderson through the door from which they had just come.

"Why did you follow us, and how?" Henderson pursued. "And for that matter --"

"Look," Lois interrupted, "can't this wait? I'll answer all your questions later. I've got something else to do right now."
There's that Henderson! Always asking those annoying questions, because he notices things. Even things that you'd rather he not notice. I love how you work Henderson into so many of your fics. In my opinion, he's an under-used character. I'd like to see more of him. Nan, you're doing your part!

And then her glaze fell on what appeared to be some kind of old-fashioned jewelry box, encrusted with what looked very much like rubies. Cautiously, she picked it up.

It was surprisingly heavy, and the silvery metal in which the stones were set could very well be lead.
Why would Lex have a lead box encrusted with rubies? (Because I'm sure they would be rubies, and not some lesser stone, like garnet.) Is this going to be important? Is it a missing art treasure? Should I recognize it from your description (darn it that I skipped art appreciation that day!)

"Someday you're going to have to explain why I was able to do without your help for so long."
I love this line!