Thanks for the feedback, y'all!


Lynn-- I'm glad you really liked the second part! And yeah, I guess it helped that there was some going-into-a-dog's-body precedent in L&C, heh.

As someone told me way back when, writing fan fiction is a bit like eating salted peanuts - you can't stop at just one.
Hahaha. That is so true!

"Bark for me?" I laughed out loud! And she was yanking his chain? Had to be the one she would have clipped to his collar!
Pwahahaha. laugh I thought that line was rather silly, but I loved it, so I had to include it!

Very good story, Deja Vu. Please allow your muse to slip you a few more goodies along the way. I'll send you some virtual Twinkies if you do.
Thanks! And virtual Twinkies? Bring them on! Though the hubby and I actually did buy some Twinkies the other day-- we bought two different boxes, as he wanted the Shrek ones with green cream inside (gross! I couldn't stand the thought of eating them, heh).

Ann-- Heh heh. I'm glad you liked my TOGOM take! I actually watched a Pluto cartoon the other day (it was at the beginning of the "Escape to Witch Mountain" DVD, which I was watching for old-time's sake). Your description of that picture-- "Clark about to cover his eyes so that he won't see Lois's underwear?" really made me laugh! Pwahahah.

And Clark really is like Lois's dog, isn't he? He follows her around like a lovesick puppy and, as you said, supports her while also failing to communicate with her properly!

And after all those confessions, you're right-- it couldn't have been hard to tell Lois he was a dog! Heh heh heh.

Seme-- Thank you! It's always interesting to try to ally "humorous" with "sweet"/touching in a fic this short.

DW-- Hehe. Yippee! laugh I'm glad you enjoyed it...And yes, it is definitely a good thing that Clark wasn't forever-dog. That would be a crazy way to live, wouldn't it?