cookiesmom: our intentions aren't anything so noble as to educate. XD we're just having fun writing ourselves into this crazy story and building an A-plot, which is new to us, especially to me. but yes, some Japanese things may find themselves here, especially in flashbacks and CK-in-JP insight scenes. smile And thanks for the welcome! I love it here!

Terry: the princess's acceptance is a ruse and it's not a ruse, if you know what i mean. i think we all know that a woman who meets clark, loves clark.

security detail to be explained in Chapter 2. it's another can of worms and a big fat WHAM, but I don't think anyone will be all that surprised, all things considered. ^_~

the princess knows the secret. she knows because she and clark had gotten to the will-ya-marry-me stage. that'll be fun for later, we promise. ^_^

Cat Grant's reappearance, yes. It's possible. Cat is such a fun character to mess around with, she'll probably make her way back in. That and Shin loves her. lol.

Will post now. Hope ya like.

Just got married (21st June 2010).