Oh, feedback! The nectar of the writers.
cookiesmom glad you are reading. This story is longer than I had originally planned, but many episodes of LnC are crammed into it.
Laurach More to come and hopefully more rapidly.
Iolanthe You can thank Sheila for prodding me into a quick revelation. It was always going to be before he went up to duel with Nightfall, but now it is sooner. Glad you liked that part.
sarahg Thanks. This is going to make his life easier (or maybe not).
Ann Well, the next part is in both the nfic and gfic folders. This nfic is defintely more intense than the one before. After all, they were just getting to know each other. You can't really do everything on the first non-date.
Next part up Friday or next week.
Thanks for the comments!

History is easy once you've lived it. - Duncan MacLeod
Writing history is easy once you've lived it. - Artemis