No plot. No relationship progress. No personal drama (unless you count the subway and the coffee). Nothing really happened. It was almost like an episode of Seinfeld.

But it was also a fascinating insight into the mind of Superman. You showed us how he was tempted to break his self-imposed vow (the car wreck, the coffee, the mugging) but stuck to his word to himself, demonstrating his innate honesty and integrity. You also showed us his compassion and understanding in the closing, when he wondered how "normal" people get through the day.

All in all, this is an excellent story. It's just the right length, and the almost-hourly journal entries bring an immediacy to the tale. You've also captured Clark's Boy Scout mentality early on when he berates himself for "cheating" on the island with the water and the tiger. You held my interest all the way through and left me with a smile. Good job.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing