Thanks for the feedback.

I look forward to the decrypting of the message. Perhaps they could post it online as a decryption challenge?
I have to assume that Lex's engineers would have used a powerful encryption algorithm and at least 1024 bit keys. That's what I would do. Decryption will be a problem.
You've left Lane a LOT of hints/clues. How long till she figures it out?
You're right. Under normal circumstances, she probably would. However, with all that's going on, her mind is busy elsewhere. At least for now... smile

But it's going to be a big job convincing the rest of the world. And Perry was right to caution them against Lexcorp.
Without some awfully convincing evidence, they have no chance of winning the PR battle against Lex. But the truth is out there. smile1

Wow, you're really making headway now, Bob!
Good! I was worried that the story would tend to drag.

Again, thank you for the comments. I appreciate them very much.