Awww! Thank you! I'm doing well. I've been thinking about my brother today as it's Memorial Day in the U.S. If I lived closer I'd have visited his grave and brought some flowers. But, in general, I'm doing well.

I've written part 28 and it's back from the betas. Part 29 is mostly in long-hand on a small pad of paper because I've been writing it in bits and pieces while waiting for my son's baseball games to start. But we're done with school after this week and the toddler has gone home to his parents to stay (pending the final okay from the judge at this week's status hearing), so it shouldn't be too much longer. I'm not going to post until I have it finished because I don't want to start and stop on you, but it's definitely getting there.

Thanks again for asking/prodding gently. smile

This *is* my happily ever after.