Like Patrick said, wow! The revelations here blew me away!

So Clark may never regain his memory? At first, I felt a sharp sense of loss when I read that. But then I thought that maybe that wasn't so bad, certainly not for this one fic. I think it was Corrina who said that she loved Clark this way, the honest, open Clark, and I agree. With his memories intact he was a lot more sneaky and borderline deceitful, and now that all those memories are gone he can have a brand new start. He is well-functioning in all other ways, after all, so it's not as if his loss of selective memories will prevent him from leading a normal life. And by the way, now I'm starting to believe that Martha and Jonathan may indeed be dead. They may be dead because they were part of Clark's old life, which he can't regain because he has forgotten it. (On the other hand, I guess they may still reappear if Clark can somehow be made to remember his past.)

And Lois and Clark found parts of the survival suit that Superman wore as he was trying to deal with Nightfall! That's great! Hopefully Bernard Klein and his colleagues can prove that the suit had been manipulated. I very much hope they can find evidence of Lex's involvement, too!

And Lois learned that her building hadn't been hit by Nightfall, but instead it had been bombed. It had been deliberately destroyed on her account, so it was her fault that all her neighbours were dead. Except that isn't true, of course. Lois didn't kill her neighbours. Lex did.

Looking forward to the next part, where I really hope you'll let Lois and Clark find more evidence against Lex!
