Wow, quite a lot happened in this post. Lois is seeing through Lex, they've found a LexLab mole, Clark has declared his feelings (sort of) and Lois has told him she wants him too (sort of). Loved the smoochie at the end, btw. sloppy

Like others, I still hold out hope that Martha and Jonathan were not in Smallville when the meteorites landed. I keep thinking that when Superman's mission failed, they started out for Metropolis immediately. At least, I hope so.

Clark's emotional reaction to hearing Lex say that he and Superman had been friends was great. It's a very clever angle for you to take. With Superman gone, there's no one else to contradict Lex about what their relationship was, so Lex's version would become fact. I love it that he's not going to get away with it and I have a feeling that this knowledge will lead Lois to find the key evidence. Well, that's my theory and I'm sticking to it. laugh