Great twist on ToGoM, Tank. The descriptions of Lois' experience, as well as Clark's grief were well done. Oh, and the explanation for Lois' short hair had me rotflmao! lol

"I guess that would make sense." Clark's voice was flat, almost mechanical. Lois could see that the hurt and the loss that he'd been dealing with earlier were still with him. Her revelation had done nothing to change that.

He walked over to his door and opened it for her. "I wish you the best of luck, Lois. I'll miss you."
This certainly doesn't seem like the Lois or Clark that we know. Lois giving up on her life at the Planet without a fight? Does Clark dislike Ultrawoman so much that he's willing to give Lois up because of her alter-ego? It certainly sounds that way. Sure, Lois can't think of another way to explain her survival, but I'm certain that together, or maybe even with Perry or her father's help (BTW, are all of the Lanes superpowered?) she can fake a medical recovery without relying on Hamilton's resurrection techniques.

Regardless, your story was a sad, well-written twist on this favorite episode. I was glad to read another story by you. Hopefully, you'll write more before TOGOM 2011.