A most intriguing premise. It's reasonable that Clark wouldn't be able to throw his clone into the sun. I'm not so sure how reasonable it is that nobody has noticed how much Adam and Superman resemble each other. And how come Clark isn't worried that the doctors will look at Adam, look at him, and ask for a DNA sample to see if they're identical twins?

Whenever I watch House (which is fairly often), I always sigh and think, "I could not work for that man without slugging him in the jaw at least once a week." Since I'm taller than Greg Laurie and quite a bit heavier, it's a good thing I'm not on staff at the hospital. Greg House and Lois Lane in the same room ought to produce some impressive fireworks. I'm looking forward to the next chapter as soon as you can put it up.

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing