Thank you all for the feedback. I've spent much of this week restructuring the story. I think that the flow will be better now and we can get to the end a bit more quickly.

I can't resist tie jokes. During the time I used to work at a place where the engineers were expected to wear ties, I amassed a great collection of non-standard ties including 2 Star Trek ties, several "Looney Tunes" ties and the best Batman tie I've ever seen. My son wants it but I keep it around just-in-case. smile

I think this is the first Lois and Clark disaster survival story I've ever read. I've seen many Nightfall stories, but never one where Clark doesn't divert the disaster. Way to come up with a completely new approach.
Thank you. As I've said, I hope that when I'm done, my interpretation doesn't disappoint. I would love to see another author who is better at A-plot than I am take a shot at something like this. At heart I'm really a B-plot writer and this much A-plot is difficult for me to handle.

I'm glad you are enjoying it. We will get back to the A-plot but when the B-plot calls I can't say no.

I thought about having them find the Superman suits in this section but I "fudged" just a bit and assumed that the secret compartment was well enough hidden to escape accidental discovery.

I have to admit that I'm having a lot of fun with the explanations of things. As a diagnostic engineer i see people make these kinds of mistakes all the time. Based on a set of facts, there are usually many possible answers. If you are missing ONE essential piece of data you can come to very reasonable-sounding answers that are completely wrong.
* "Why did Clark keep his feelings to himself?"
* "Why didn't he react to the Pheromone?"
Since they are missing THE essential piece of information, they find other reasonable explanations. Like I said, I see smart people do this ALL the time.

I would love to see what would happen if Lois asked Lex to put up some of the families of Daily Planet employees who were finding it difficult to find adequate shelter.
evil Perhaps next time he'll think more carefully before making alterations to his apartment.

Hi BJ:
If anyone in Metropolis was to have a camp stove handy, I figured it would be Clark.

Thanks again for the feedback. You are all so kind. I'm not sure about the next few chapters. I hope to have 14 up before too long but I just don't know. It won't be more than a few days.
