Wow! I didn’t expect to start such a long discussion. Obviously, many people here know a lot more about Batman than I do.

Thanks, Elisabeth! Yes, the words left unsaid part was easy with this fic, as was keeping Lois and Clark apart  It was actually sort of interesting how the very different premise from the other piece made different parts of Lara’s request easier/harder.

Thanks, Terry! I hadn’t thought that much about the logistics, but I’m going to say that no, Herb didn’t leave a body. According to Herb’s story, Martha Wayne and Martha Kent are almost always the same person, this is just the first time she was aware of it. So, in general, there hasn’t been a body to find. Martha Wayne has essentially been lost. I’m banking on the fact that without computers, records were much less reliable in those days for this. (I mean, the general idea that her body could move between hospitals with no record is already based on that and is pretty flimsy regardless. But I’m adding to that the fact that with Thomas Wayne dead, the person most likely to demand information on her body isn’t doing so.)

Ann – I have never noticed how many parallel’s there between Superman and other comic book heroes (this is probably because I haven’t read many, if any, comics). I also have to admit that until you pointed it out, I never even realized that Batman’s costume, too, has the underwear on the outside. How weird!

Lara – I’m so glad you liked it! I have to admit, it’s a bit overwhelming trying to include something you know so much more about than I do. I was sure I was going to go somewhere dreadfully wrong in the telling.

I have to say, I had originally said I didn’t plan any more stories in this AU, but then I read BJ’s comment on seeing this from another point of view and… Well, suffice it to say that while I don’t really think there’ll be more than one more, and it may be awhile before the next one is posted, there is one more coming.

I hope you had a happy birthday!

Thanks, Bob! I had the same problem re: Martha and Batman. I wasn’t sure what to do about it, and my knowledge of Batman is limited enough that I wasn’t sure just how dark he is, so I decided maybe he wasn’t too bad.

Thanks, Michael! Now that would be weird and a little awkward, too. Would Bruce and Clark be able to be friends if Clark had unintentionally ended up with both Bruce’s mother and girlfriend (I’m not sure of the exact status of Bruce and Vicki, but something like that I’m guessing.)

I know, Carol. And I had no intention of you seeing any more, but darn it… Give me about a week maybe (depending on work) and expect to see it in your inbox.

Thanks, BJ! As you can see above, you’ve sparked an idea now – and I was committed to no more writing for a little while, so I don’t thank you for that. 

Thanks, IooIantheAlias!