Lois’s mouth went dry. Dinner at Angelino’s would normally mean only one thing: a proposal. Given that he was worried about her yelling, she trusted that Caleb had the good sense to mean something else: a confession.
Now, wouldn't that be a surprise clap

“I don’t,” Cat answered breezily. Then her voice dropped an octave into her sultry zone. “But ‘Little David’ means Clark Kent will have to come out of hiding. And Clark Kent…” she paused for dramatic effect, ”… is good for the gossip business.”

If his test had the desired result, Clark Kent was about to get in invitation he wouldn’t be able to resist.

He set the box of chocolates down on the beach and tried to take her hands in his, but she pulled them away. “I was planning to…” he began. She cut him off before he could say ‘tell you tonight.’
Combined with your announcement of an annoyed Bob I did wonder if Lois or Clark managed to screw things up for a while. dizzy

“Clark, I knew exactly who I was falling in love with.”

Lois stretched her bare legs out in front of her and wiggled her toes.
Hmm... Nah, that's just misdirection... But it did bring up an interesting point:
Will you cover Kids or skip over (okay, that's not the interesting point).
GGGoH should be fun. Btw, is the chunk of green-K the one Wayne Irig sent to the lab? And did Lex intercept it before Trask got his fingers on it?
Then there's the heatwave and we're at PML. evil Now that's always a reason to elope for a coupled LnC evil

Many thanks to Bob, who, as Michael gussed, was mostly annoyed with me. [Wink] I think he's happy now. [Big Grin]

Fun part. A lot less angsty than I expected blush


PS: More? Please?

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