jawdrop Oooh, can't wait for his reaction. Until I started reading the FDK it hadn't occured to me it may not be quite as it seems, I don't know why. We'll see!

If she has already realised it would make sense (apart from the looking the same thing, which you kind of have to discount!) that she is able to see clearer having more distance from the two of them than the Lois in the show. Because Clark was so close, working with her every day and a 'hack from nowheresville' it didn't occur to her. With both Clark Kent and Superman in this fic she's been intent on unmasking them to an extent from day one.

This line made me chuckle:-

“Which one?” Clark stole a dumpling off Lana’s plate and got his wrist slapped for his trouble. “The official Superman exclusive, or the one before that where she told me that she knows I’ve been on Earth for years?”
Nice way to just drop it into the conversation and hope they won't notice!!

“You really think Superman is the world’s biggest celebrity?” Clark asked.

Pete rolled his eyes in frustration. His voice dripped with sarcasm. “Yes, Clark, I’m sorry to tell you that you are now bigger than you. Can we please focus here?”

Clark was looking forward to seeing Lois that night, but he still had no intention of telling her who he really was. That would be the fastest way possible to kill whatever chance he might have with her.
The thing is, of course, this Lois already (ending aside!) knows who he is, the 'Clark Kent' side not being the real him either. She may not seem to like Clark Kent the author, but he is no more the real guy than Superman, if anything less so.

“No, he’s not,” Clark agreed. “But then again, neither is Clark. And the man that Lois really likes is neither of them.” Clark flashed his friends a satisfied smile. “He’s just me.”
He sums it up nicely here and he's so happy about it.

Her make-up and hair were freshened. She was reclining in what she hoped was a casual-looking manner, curled up in one corner of her sofa with the latest Clark Kent novel . When Superman flew through her window, he would find her calm, cool, and collected.
I like that she's choosing to read his novels now.

It was a stranger dressed in black casual slacks, a grey t-shirt that hugged his quite impressive chest, and a black leather jacket. His dark hair curled loosely around his ears and the back of his neck, one curl falling over his forehead in a way that begged to be brushed back.
Nice image!! Though pretty risky approach on Clark's part. He doesn't want to tell her the truth yet, but maybe he wouldn't mind too much if she worked it out on her own - we'll soon see!

Great ending, can't wait for more.

Em smile

"There's a fine line between brilliance and lunacy" - CK to LL(Madame Ex)