Very cool dilemma. To quote a short-lived "Babylon 5" sequel series: "Who do you serve? And who do you trust?"

I'm also glad that Nor is wearing the circuit board for a reason and not just because some hack at ABC thought it looked cool (which it didn't).

Now we find out where the council stands - or do we? For all Clark and Lois et al know, the council is Zara's cat's-paw - or maybe they're all on Nor's side. This should be very interesting.

Just don't get yourself in a time-out. And yes, Lara, "gullibility" is a real word. That's a good characterization for Zara's motives, too, assuming that the reason Zara and Ching are acting they way they are is due to their real character and not because they're scared stiff of having Nor as supreme ruler.

Sudden thought: if Clark is all but shouting telepathically when he's making love with Lois, why did Zara ask Lois the true nature of the relationship? Couldn't she tell from Clark's mental yelling how much he loves his wife?

Waiting for the next part in 3..2..1..

Life isn't a support system for writing. It's the other way around.

- Stephen King, from On Writing