Hi everyone,

I’m glad it seemed to please. When I saw LabRat’s call for stories I got to thinking that I hadn’t written a short since Lex’s Best Day. I figured there had to be something simmering. I wanted something really short and light. It actually turned out longer than I expected.

Thank you. What she saw that she didn’t understand was Superman flying at super speed. (Probably off to rescue Lois. smile ) I wanted it to be a plausible vision but one that would still be confusing.

I had to fight the temptation to add a lot more background for Flo. She has her talents, but just wants to lead a simple life. I can’t say we won’t see her again, but I don’t see her doing a “Lois Lane” investigation into what she saw.

The idea of this being fundamentally someone else’s story, where Lois and Clark are just passing through, was an act of desperation. I just couldn’t find a more traditional story. I’m very happy that it seemed to work as well as it did. As for the ambiguous time frame, I guess the punch line is that I don’t know when the story happens either.

As for my Muse being male, I don’t quite know how that happened. When I think of what I’d pick for a muse, well, I saw the movie Xanadu when I was in college and I always thought Olivia Newton-John was a perfect muse. However, my ideas don’t arrive in a particularly picturesque or exciting way, (so no Olivia or any other distractingly attractive female) so I came to picture my Muse as a UPS driver. (Such as I described in the FDK to 100 Meters Here ) I can have a much more practical interaction than with a beautiful female Muse. Besides, I have The Fabulous Beverly, who not only severs as inspiration, but can help fix my grammar.

Thanks. The Henderson name was not a deliberate choice but since you pointed it out, I have to wonder if there wasn’t something subconscious going on. I wonder if Bill has any relatives in Louisiana. Maybe that was part of why Flo wanted to come to Metropolis. Hmmm…

I did thank my Muse profusely. I guess I groveled enough because I even got part of Chapter 24 today.

I am more tickled than I can say that the "Flo perspective" approach seemed interesting. After all the nice words I think she may have to have a future engagement in a more substantive story.

Again, thank you all so much for taking the time to share your thoughts. clap
