bakasi I try to make sure there is a lot of Lois/Kal (because they're my favourite bits too) in each part, but without all the rest, the story isn't going to make sense.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting.

Michael I think there needs to be more talking before they get to the 'not talking'! laugh

Thanks, Michael.


Kal is having the same effect on Lois' writing as Clark. Just one of the many subtle reminders they are actually one and the same, just in a very different set of circumstances.
One of the fun parts for me in writing this was slipping 'Clark' into the story.

Kal is taking the lead this time, being much more forward. Well, forward in the context of their tender innocent relationship. He is so keen for another kiss.
Kal is a leader (Clark was too, certainly as Superman), so I'm trying to balance his natural tendencies to lead with the overwhelming newness of his relationship with Lois.

About Kal's clothes - he *isn't* wearing the black suit! I don't think Lois could have failed to notice that!! He's wearing a jacket -similar to the one he wore over the black suit in TNAOS, but with long sleeves - and pants outfit.

However ... that black suit may just make an appearance! eek

Thanks for all your FDK, Emma.

Kathy Thanks for saying you like the scenes where they are apart. I know most, if not all of us (including me), like the together scenes most, but to get the smile1 into those scenes, they have to spend some time apart. And there's a whole new planet out there for Lois to explore!

Thanks, Kathy. Next part ... either tonight or tomorrow (my time).


Okay, you've got to me hooked, like right now I should be doing school work.
I know the feeling. Most of this fic has been written when I should/could have been doing something else. blush

Thanks for commenting, Sheila.

Amber There is so much I could say in reply to your FDK, Amber, but I can't find a way to say it without giving away more than I want to!

So, thanks ... your thoughts are ... cool

Iolanthe One of the reasons I've been able to post this quicker than I had originally thought is because of your always-speedy beta - which I appreciate more than you could realise.

Part 15 is being wilful - it wants to wander. Once I bash it into shape, it will arrive in your in-box.

Glad you 'liked' the cliffhangers! rotflol

Ann Interesting idea. The basis of your thinking is somewhat in line with my fic ... but not the rest.

I'm a Christian ... my feeling is that a story like that would have to be really, really carefully written.

But on a side note ... I have been amazed by all the ideas generated in the FDK threads. If, in the future I'm stuck for a story idea, I'm coming back here!!

Laura Late nights ... uhm ... this fic has given me a few of those!

Thanks for your FDK, Laura.

Rac Thanks for your comments, Rac.

I have to admit, I haven't read your fic - I've read very little the past month. Also, since starting this fic, I've deliberately stayed away from anything with even the slightest mention of NK because I don't want to inadvertently slip the ideas of others into my fic.

Interesting point about the society being worth saving. I agree, there didn't seem to be much shown in TNAOS. However, surely there were good people, even though the leaders were so bad.

Lois is going to meet some NKers and find out that even though the society seems stolid and unfriendly and straight-laced, individuals are not necessarily like that at all.

Thanks everyone,
