This part inspired me to reread everything, so here I am, back for more.

I couldn't remember if Clark ever kissed Talan (he didn't, not even close), or if he was the one to kill Nor (he was), but in a sense the answers didn't matter, because it was bad enough that he thought about them. But wow. Ped is right that the thing he views worst is having given up under the torture, having wanted to beg for death. (Though I'm not sure whether he *actually* begged for death at any point -- Lois always seemed to come to save him.) But he was slowly starting to recover from that, over the years. What dragged him back into the darkness, right at the end, was killing Nor -- and finding that he wished he'd done so earlier, before another six hundred seventy one people had to die.

It occurred to me that no one's asked Clark about the other people he met on New Krypton. Is that not done with trauma victims? It seems like he might feel safer talking about experiences other than his own. Lois knows Zara and Ching, and Clark has mentioned Tao Scion and Talan. But I can imagine him going on at length about Thia, and Enza, and someday the medic Rayid.

Regarding the Dr. Friskin scene, it didn't surprise me that she figured it out, but I was a little unsure about the billionaire and amnesia references, mostly because I can't remember whether Lois was seeing Dr. Friskin at that point. It might have felt a little smoother if there were a reference to her getting a niggling feeling when Superman reveals that he and Ultrawoman got married the day before he left, so that when he says their wedding kept getting delayed, it's the confirmation of her suspicions rather than the source.